Deep-Dive into Zero to Hero Cloud Computing 101 Expert Program

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This program provides In-Depth understanding about Cloud Computing Infrastructure and How Cloud solves Traditional IT challenges. This Program helps professionals to understand the Core Offerings, Delivery Models, Key Attributes and Design Principles of Cloud Computing Infrastructure.This program is must have program for all those professionals preparing themsleves for Cloud Architect profile.

10 hrs

Learning Hours

0 Days

Course Duration

Mentorship Program





Training Format


Interview Pass

  • icon   10+ Hours of Intensive Hands-On Learning
  • vmware icons   28 Modules and 31 Lessons
  • vmware icon   1 Quizzes and 0 Assessments
  • vmware icon   0+ Hands On Labs
  • vmware icon   0 Mock Interviews
  • vmware students icon   15+ Yrs of Industry Experience and Certified Professionals
  • vmware office   1:1 personal career assistance with Industry Experts
  • icon   Placement and Certification Assistance
  • vmware student icon   Job Ready Resume and Portfolio building
  • icon   Alumni Support
Description About this course

This program provides In-Depth understanding about Cloud Computing Infrastructure and How Cloud solves Traditional IT challenges. This Program helps professionals to understand the Core Offerings, Delivery Models, Key Attributes and Design Principles of Cloud Computing Infrastructure.This program is must have program for all those professionals preparing themsleves for Cloud Architect profile.

Course Content
  • 28 lecture
  • What is Computing? Building Blocks of any Computing Infrastructure
  • What Enterprise Really Worries Before Cloud Computing
  • Understanding Elasticity Challenges with Traditional Infrastructure
  • Understanding Availability Challenges with Traditional Infrastructure
  • Understanding Scalability Challenges with Traditional Infrastructure
  • Understanding Manageability Challenges with Traditional Infrastructure
  • Understanding Time Complexity and Deployment challenges with Traditional Infrastructure
  • Understanding Vendor-Lock in challenges with Traditional Infrastructure
  • Understanding Infrastructure Shortage and Hardware Refresh challenges with Traditional Infrastructure
  • Understanding Software Patch and Upgrades challenges with Traditional Infrastructure
  • Understanding Data Confidentiality, Compliance issue with Traditional Infrastructure
  • Understanding Licensing Issues with Traditional Infrastructure
  • What is Application Layer in Enterprise Architecture
  • Key Attributes of Application Layer such as Dashboard design, Search Engine, Content Management etc..
  • What is Business Layer in Enterprise Architecture
  • Key Attributes of Business Layer such as Time to Market, Innovation, Cost Saving and Availability & Scalability etc..
  • What is Information Layer in Enterprise Architecture
  • Key Attributes of Information Layer such as Database Farms, Warehousing, Business Analytics, ERP center etc..
  • What is Technology Layer in Enterprise Architecture
  • Key Attributes of Technology Layer such as Monitoring Tools, CI/CD Pipeline, Patching/Upgrades, Virtualization etc..
  • Cloud Computing Definition by Gartner and Forrester
  • Cloud Computing EchoSystem
  • Cloud Computing in a NutShell
  • Cloud Story No. 1 : Evolution of TV from Network TV -> Cable TV -> Application TV
  • Cloud Story No. 2 : Evolution of Radio from AM/FM Radio -> Terrastrial Radio -> Application Radio
  • Cloud Story No. 3 : Evolution of computing infrastructure from Mainframe -> Servers -> Cloud Computing
  • Few More Stories : Instagram Launch, Electricity Power Plant, Amazon Big Billion Day Sale
  • Is Cloud Computing good for Everything
  • Understanding Technology aspects of Cloud Computing Infrastructure
  • Understanding Business Aspects of Cloud Computing Infrastructure
  • Things to know about Cloud Computing Infrastructure
  • What change for Application Developer after Cloud Computing
  • History and Evolution of Computing Infrastructure from Mainframe -> Client Server App -> VMs -> Cloud Computing
  • What Cloud Computing is NOT ABOUT
  • Myth 01 : There is one Single Cloud
  • Myth 02: Cloud Computing is only about Technology
  • Myth 03: Cloud Computing Always Saves Money
  • Myth 04: Cloud Computing always reduces workloads
  • Myth 05: Every Application is meant for Cloud Computing
  • Myth 06: Cloud Solutions are 100% Secure
  • Myth 07: Cloud Computing is all about having Credit Card
  • Myth 08: Virtualization is nothing. It's Cloud Computing
  • What are Cloud Service Delivery Models
  • What is Infrastructure as a Service ( IaaS) and It key Attributes
  • What is Platform as a Service ( PaaS) and Its key Attributes
  • What is Software as a Service ( IaaS) and Its key Attributes
  • Use Cases of IaaS, PaaS and SaaS
  • IaaS vs PaaS vs SaaS Service Model Comparison
  • What is Pizza-As-A-Service and How it resembles with Cloud Service Delivery Models
  • What is Made-In-House Pizza and It key Attributes
  • What is Kitchen-As-A-Service and Its key Attributes
  • What is Walk-In-and-Bake Service and Its key Attributes
  • What is Pizza-As-A-Service and its key Attributes
  • OnPrem vs IaaS vs PaaS vs SaaS offering comparison
  • What are the key attributes of Cloud Computing Infrastructure
  • Attribute No.1 : Choice of Service Provider
  • Attribute No.2 : Agility and Self Service Portal
  • Attribute No.3 : Resource Pooling and Sharing
  • Attribute No.4 : Elasticity and Scalability
  • Attribute No.5 : Resilient Infrastructure and Availability
  • Attribute No.6 : Pay As You Go Pricing Model
  • Attribute No.7 : Ease of Maintenance
  • Attribute No.8 : Core Datacenter Services
  • Attribute No.9 : 1000+ Managed Services
  • What are the core offerings of Cloud Computing Infrastructure
  • Offering No.1 : Elastic Infrastructure
  • Offering No.2 : Elastic Platform
  • Offering No.3 : Node Based Availability
  • Offering No.4 : Environment Based Availability
  • Offering No.5 : Hypervisor Solution
  • Offering No.6 : Execution Environment
  • Offering No.7 : Block Storage and Blob Storage
  • Offering No.8 : Relational and Key value store
  • Offering No.9 : Strict and Eventual Consistency
  • Offering No.10 : Virtual Networking and Security Policies
  • Offering No.11 : Monitoring and Alert Framework
  • What are the core benefits of Cloud Computing Infrastructure
  • How Cloud Computing transforms Capital Expenditure into Operational Expenditure
  • Cloud Benefits : Application Perspective
  • Cloud Benefits : Business Perspective
  • Cloud Benefits : Information Perspective
  • Cloud Benefits : Technology Perspective
  • What are the Cloud Deployment Models
  • Public vs Private vs Hybrid Cloud Models
  • What is Public Cloud and Its key Attributes
  • Public Cloud Benefit No.1 : Pay-As-You-Go Pricing Model
  • Public Cloud Benefit No.2 : Elastic Infrastructure
  • Public Cloud Benefit No.3 : Highly Scalable Infrastructure
  • Public Cloud Benefit No.4 : Global Reachability & Availability
  • Public Cloud Benefit No.5 : Pay-As-You-Go Pricing Model
  • Public Cloud Benefit No.6 : Pay-As-You-Go Pricing Model
  • Public Cloud Benefit No.7 : Ease of Maintenance/Upgrade
  • Disadvantages of Public Cloud Deployment Model
  • Disadvantage No.1 : Lack of Control
  • Disadvantage No.2 : Perceived Weaker Security
  • Disadvantage No.3 : Slow Speed and Performance
  • Disadvantage No.4 : Lack of Customization
  • What is Private Cloud and Its key Attributes
  • Private Cloud Benefit No.1 : Higher Level of Security
  • Private Cloud Benefit No.2 : Controlled Infrastructure
  • Private Cloud Benefit No.3 : Fully Customizable
  • Private Cloud Benefit No.4 : Superior Performance
  • Private Cloud Benefit No.5 : Legal Compliances
  • Private Cloud Benefit No.6 : No Resource Pooling and Sharing
  • Disadvantages of Private Cloud Deployment Model
  • Disadvantage No.1 : Higher Cost
  • Disadvantage No.2 : Maintenance Cost
  • Disadvantage No.3 : Lack of Elasticity and Scalability
  • Disadvantage No.4 : Deployment Complexity
  • What is Hybrid Cloud and Its key Attributes
  • Hybrid Cloud Benefit No.1 : Higher Level of Security
  • Hybrid Cloud Benefit No.2 : Scalability & Elasticity
  • Hybrid Cloud Benefit No.3 : Cost Effectiveness
  • Hybrid Cloud Benefit No.4 : Effective Backup and Disaster Recovery
  • Hybrid Cloud Benefit No.5 : Improved Regulatory Compliance and Laws
  • Hybrid Cloud Benefit No.6 : Increased Performance and Reduced Latency
  • Disadvantages of Hybrid Cloud Deployment Model
  • Disadvantage No.1 : Complex Security Model
  • Disadvantage No.2 : Deployment and Operational Complexity
  • Disadvantage No.3 : High Implementation Cost
  • Disadvantage No.4 : Vendor Lock-In Issue
  • Use Cases of Public vs Private vs Hybrid Cloud
  • Understanding which cloud is Better and Why
  • What are Cloud Vertical and Horizontal Scaling Models
  • What is Cloud Vertical Scaling Model and Its Benefits
  • Benefit No. 1 : No Operational Complexity
  • Benefit No.2 : Less Power Consumption
  • Benefit No.3 : Easy to Manage and Install Hardware
  • Benefit No.4 : Easy To Implement and Less Deployment Complexity
  • Benefit No.5 : Reduce Software Licensing Costs
  • Benefit No.6 : Application Compatibility Maintained
  • Disadvantages of Cloud Vertical Scaling Model
  • Disadvantage No.1 : Greater Risk of Application Outages
  • Disadvantage No.2 : Large OPEx and Upfront Investment
  • Disadvantage No.3 : Amplified Failures and Cascading Effect
  • Disadvantage No.4 : Expensive Redundancy Model
  • Disadvantage No.5 : Too Much Existence
  • Disadvantage No.6 : Higher Downtime Risk
  • Disadvantage No.7 : Server Vendor Lock-In Issue
  • Disadvantage No.8 : Limited Scaling and Flexibility
  • Disadvantage No.9 : Static Infrastructure
  • What is Cloud Horizontal Scaling Model and Its Benefits
  • Benefit No. 1 : Low OpEx Cost and No Upfront Investment
  • Benefit No.2 : Maximize Resource Utilization
  • Benefit No.3 : No Amplified Failures or Cascading Effect
  • Benefit No.4 : Inexpensive Redundancy Model
  • Benefit No.5 : Specialized Hardware for specific Application Requirements
  • Benefit No.6 : Very Less or No Co-Existence
  • Benefit No.7 : Easily Scalable and More Flexible
  • Benefit No.8 : Assures High Uptime for Application
  • Benefit No.9 : Easy to Implement and No Deployment Complexity
  • Benefit No.10 : Highly Scalable and Elastic Infrastructure
  • Disadvantages of Cloud Horizontal Scaling Model
  • Disadvantage No.1 : Software Complexity to handle parallel processing
  • Disadvantage No.2 : Requires Additional Intelligence in Application
  • Disadvantage No.3 : Higher Utility Cost
  • Disadvantage No.4 : High Licensing Fees
  • Disadvantage No.5 : Complicated Architecture and Design Principles
  • Disadvantage No.6 : Additional Network Switch/Routers Required
  • Vertical Scaling vs Horizontal Scaling
  • Which Cloud Scaling Model is better and Why
  • What is Virtualization and Why do we need it
  • Application Stack Before and After Virtualization
  • Core Benefits of Virtualization
  • Benefit No.1 : Reduce Costs
  • Benefit No.2 : No Vendor Lock-in
  • Benefit No.3 : Highly Available
  • Benefit No.4 : Business Continuity
  • Benefit No.5 : Faster Response Time
  • Benefit No.6 : Increased Hardware Utilization
  • Benefit No.8 : Go Green and Save Energy
  • Disadvantages of Virtualization
  • Disadvantage No.1 : High Upfront Investment
  • Disadvantage No.2 : Amplified Physical Failure
  • Disadvantage No.3 : Complex Troubleshooting and RCA Process
  • Disadvantage No.4 : Increased Risk of Server Sprawl
  • Disadvantage No.5 : High Maintenance Cost
  • Disadvantage No.6 : Additional Network Switch/Routers Required
  • What is Containerization and Why do we need it
  • How Containerization is different than Virtualization
  • Virtualization Architecture vs Container Architecture
  • Core Benefits of Containerization
  • Benefit No.1 : Increased Portability
  • Benefit No.2 : Increased Efficiency
  • Benefit No.3 : More Consistent Operation
  • Benefit No.4 : Ease of Management
  • Benefit No.5 : Security
  • Benefit No.6 : Better Application Development
  • Use Cases of Containerization
  • Use Case No.1 : Application Modernization
  • Use Case No.2 : DevOps
  • Use Case No.3 : Deploying Microservices
  • Difference between Virtual Machine and Containers
  • Which solution is better. Virtualization or Containers
  • Face Off Between Virtualization vs Containerization
  • History of Application Deployment
  • Bare Metal vs Virtualized Environment
  • Containerized vs Containerized on Virtualized Environment
  • Container vs Virtual Machines OR Containers and Virtual Machines
  • Design Principles of Virtual Machine and Containers
  • What is Pay-As-You-Go Pricing Model
  • Real Life examples of Pay-As-You-Go Pricing Model
  • What is Subscription Based Pricing Model and How It works
  • Real Life examples of Subscription Based Pricing Model
  • One Time Pricing Model vs Recurring Pricing Model
  • Core Benefits of Recurring Pricing Model
  • Why Cloud Computing is all about Renting, Not Buying
  • Understanding Cost Economics of Classic OnPrem Model
  • Understanding challenges of Classic Pricing Model
  • Understanding Zone causing Application Outages
  • Understanding Zone causing Hardware Wastage
  • Understanding Zone which works in favor of Business/Application Owner
  • How Classic Pricing model is more Static Model in Nature
  • Why Classic Pricing model considered to be Double Edge Sword
  • Understanding Cost Economics of Cloud Pay-As-You-Go Pricing Model
  • Understanding benefits of Cloud pricing model
  • Why Cloud Pricing Model is better than Traditional Classic Model
  • How Cloud Pricing varies as when Infrastructure shrinks or expands
  • Why Cloud Pricing Model always works in favor of Business or Application Owner
  • How Classic Pricing model is more Static Model in Nature
  • Why Classic Pricing model considered to be Double Edge Sword
  • Cost based pricing vs Value based pricing
  • Design principles of Cloud Pricing Model
  • OnPrem Classic vs Cloud Pricing Model
  • Understanding the challenges of Business Owners using OnPrem Deployments
  • Understanding the Technology Limitations of OnPrem Deployments
  • Why OnPrem Customer not able to grow their business due to Infrastructure limitations
  • How Cloud Computing Aligns Business Expectations with Technology Advancements
  • Why Cloud Pricing Model helps Business Owner to Maximize the profits with less capital cost
  • How Elastic Infrastructure helps business owner to grow exponentially without worrying about hardware limitations
  • Why Cloud Model has become De-Facto Standard of Today's IT
  • What is Distributed Computing
  • Challenges of Distributed Computing
  • Challenge No.1 : Heterogeneity
  • Challenge No.2 : Fault Handling
  • Challenge No.3 : Maintaining Consistency
  • Challenge No.4: Global Concurrency
  • Challenge No. 5: Upgrades and Maintenance
  • Challenge No. 6: Local Resources - File System
  • Challenge No. 7: Session Stickiness
  • How To Design Applications for Cloud
  • What are the key principles of Designing Applications for Cloud
  • Principle No.1 : Evaluate Enterprise Architect
  • Principle No.2 : Choice of the right service provider
  • Principle No.3 : Defining the business process
  • Principle No.4 : Security Compliance and Laws
  • Principle No.5 : Think Stateless
  • Principle No.6 : Integration of Apps between OnPrem and Cloud
  • Principle No.7 : Decentralized Administration
  • Principle No.8 : Secure Distributed Collaboration
  • Principle No.9 : Credentials Federation
  • Principle No.10 : Placement of Functionality
  • What is Cloud Security Model
  • How Application SLAs are measured in Cloud Infrastructure
  • What is Security In The Cloud and Who Owns It
  • What is Security Of The Cloud and Who Owns It
  • Security In The Cloud vs Security Of The Cloud
  • Is Cloud Computing all about IaaS, PaaS and SaaS
  • What are the various dimensions of Cloud Computing
  • What about DRaaS, DEKSTOPaaS, BigDaTAaaS, ProceSSaaS, DevOPsaaS
  • What are the key principles of Designing ECommerce Application on Cloud
  • How to design Resiliency and Scalability for Ecommerce Application in Cloud
  • How To Rearchitect Traditional Ecommerce Application into Microservice Approach
  • How to Define resources such as Databases for each of the Microservices
  • How to design applications to empower using Cloud Provider Managed Services
  • How to Secure Application Infrastructure from End Customers
  • How To Integrate Cloud Application to OnPrem Application using VPN or 3rd Party services
  • How To design Business Intelligence or Analytics for user insights and buying patterns
  • How To leverage container and VMs for designing Ecommerce application in Cloud
  • How To design application to authenticate/authorize using Social Media Plugin or 3rd Party Providers
  • What are the key concerns of Cloud Computing Infrastructure
  • Concern No.1 : Progressive Architecture
  • Concern No.2 : Mature Cloud Service Providers
  • Concern No.3 : Not all applications meant for Cloud
  • Concern No.4 : Lack of clarity on SLA Ownership
  • Concern No.5 : Unclear Return of Investments
  • Concern No.6 : Lock-in with Proprietary Architecture
  • Is Cloud Computing about Innovation or Invention
  • Is Cloud Computing about Technology or Business decision
  • Is Cloud Computing about New or Better version of Traditional IT infrastructure
Hands On Labs Covered
  • 0 labs


Program Fee

Rs. 12999/- 14999/- INR

What Included :

  • 10 Hours of Deep-Dive Learning
  • 28 Modules and 31 Lectures 
  • 1 Quizz and 1 Assessment
  • 1:1 Doubt Clarification Session with Mentor
  • 1:1 Career Counselling with Industry Experts and Mentors
  • Get access to Alumni Support and Be Part of Growing Community

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