VMware NSX[4.x] Data Center Zero to Hero Expert Program

  19 reviews

This NSX-T Zero to Hero Networking Expert Program provides in-depth training on how to install, configure, and manage a VMware NSX-T Data Center environment. This course covers key NSX-T Data Center features and functionality offered in the NSX-T Data Center 4.x release, including the overall infrastructure, logical switching, logical routing, networking and security services, micro-segmentation and firewalls, and more.
Access to a software-defined data center environment is provided through VMware hands-on labs to reinforce the skills and concepts presented in the course.

80 hrs

Learning Hours

20 Days

Course Duration






Training Format


Interview Pass

  • icon   80+ Hours of Intensive Hands-On Learning
  • vmware icons   66 Modules and 65 Lessons
  • vmware icon   Quizzes and Assessments
  • vmware icon   49+ Hands On Labs
  • vmware icon   Mock Interviews
  • vmware students icon   15+ Yrs of Industry Experience and Certified Professionals
  • vmware office   1:1 personal career assistance with Industry Experts
  • icon   Placement and Certification Assistance
  • vmware student icon   Job Ready Resume and Portfolio building
  • icon   Alumni Support
Description About this course

This NSX-T Zero to Hero Networking Expert Program provides in-depth training on how to install, configure, and manage a VMware NSX-T Data Center environment. This course covers key NSX-T Data Center features and functionality offered in the NSX-T Data Center 4.x release, including the overall infrastructure, logical switching, logical routing, networking and security services, micro-segmentation and firewalls, and more.
Access to a software-defined data center environment is provided through VMware hands-on labs to reinforce the skills and concepts presented in the course.

Course Content
  • 68 lecture
  • Understanding Challenges of Traditional Networking
  • Understanding Networking Complexity of Traditional Networking
  • Understanding Security Challenges of Traditional Networking
  • Understanding challenges of Best of Breed Solution Implementation
  • Understanding Operational and Management Challenges of Traditional Networking
  • Understanding Networking & Security Challenges for Virtual Machines
  • What is NSX
  • What are the key benefits of NSX solution
  • Understanding Automation Use Cases of NSX Solution
  • Understanding Security Use Cases of NSX Solution
  • Understanding Application Continuity Use Cases of NSX Solution
  • Understanding Business Value Proposition of NSX Solution
  • Understanding Evolution of Technology - TV, Radio and Computing Model
  • Understanding Enterprise Challenges of NSX-V Solution
  • How VMware SDDC addresses Enterprise Challenges
  • Understanding VMware Virtual Cloud Network
  • Understanding VMware Virtual Cloud Networking Portfolio
  • Why NSX-T is backbone of VMware Virtual Cloud Network
  • Understanding Evolution of NSX Solution from NSX-V to NSX-T
  • Overview of NSX-T Service Defined Firewall
  • Understanding NSX-T Datacenter Key Use Cases and Benefits
  • Comparison between NSX-V and NSX-T Solution
  • Overview of NSX-T Datacenter Features
  • Understanding NSX-T Datacenter Architecture
  • Understanding Data Plane component of NSX-T Architecture
  • Understanding Control Plane component of NSX-T Architecture
  • Understanding Management Plane component of NSX-T Architecture
  • Understanding Consumption Plane component of NSX-T Architecture
  • Understanding NSX-T Unified Appliance and it's key benefits
  • Understanding NSX-T Management Cluster and its functioning
  • Difference between NSX-V Manager and NSX-T Manager
  • Understanding benefits of NSX-T Management Cluster
  • Understanding Distributed Architecture of NSX-T Cluster and How it works
  • Understanding Service Groups in NSX-T Management Cluster
  • Understanding NSX-T Manager Deployment Option No. 1
  • Understanding NSX-T Manager Deployment Option No. 2
  • Understanding NSX-T Manager Deployment Option No. 3
  • Understanding Pros and Cons of each deployment option of NSX-T Manager
  • Understanding NSX-T Management Cluster VIP and How it works
  • Understanding NSX-T Manager Policy Role and it's Functions
  • Understanding NSX-T Manager Policy Role Characteristics
  • Understanding NSX-T Manager Role and It's Functions
  • Understanding NSX Policy and Manager Role Interaction Workflow
  • Understanding NSX-T Manager Controller Role and Its Functions
  • Understanding NSX-T Manager Control Plane Components - CCP & LCP
  • Understanding NSX-T Control Plane Sharding Function
  • Understanding Deployment of NSX Manager using OVF on ESXi Host
  • Accessing & Login to NSX-T Manager UI with Admin user credentials
  • Navigating through NSX-T Manager UI Dashboard and Configuration Options
  • Troubleshooting - Accessing NSX-T Manager using CLI console
  • Troubleshooting - Understanding Root and Admin user role in NSX CLI for troubleshooting
  • Troubleshooting - Understanding NSX CLI to switch role from root to admin
  • Troubleshooting - Getting Familiar with NSX Clustering specific CLIs
  • Introduction to NSX-T Manager Components
  • Understanding NSX-T Reverse Proxy Service and it's functioning
  • Understanding NSX-T Node API Service and it's functioning
  • Understanding NSX-T Manager UI Service and it's functioning
  • Understanding NSX-T Phone Home Service and it's functioning
  • Understanding NSX-T Proton Service and it's functioning
  • Understanding NSX-T Compute Manager Service and it's functioning
  • Understanding NSX-T Reverse ProxyCCP Service and it's functioning
  • Understanding NSX-T Reverse CorfuDB and it's functioning
  • Understanding NSX-T Cluster Boot Manager Service and it's functioning
  • Understanding NSX-T Upgrade Coordinator Service and it's functioning
  • Understanding NSX-T Async Replicator Service and it's functioning
  • Understanding NSX-T MPA Client Service and it's functioning
  • Understanding NSX-T Reverse APH Service and it's functioning
  • Overview of Log Files for each NSX-T Manager Service Component
  • Basic Troubleshooting workflow for NSX-T Deployment Failure
  • Basic Troubleshooting Workflow for NSX-T Management Cluster Failure
  • Understanding NSX-T Data Plane Components and its Functions
  • Understanding Interaction between NSX Manager and TN Node
  • Understanding NSX-T Datacenter 2.4 Architecture
  • Understanding NSX-T Datacenter 2.5 Architecture
  • Understanding NSX-T Datacenter 3.0 Architecture
  • Differences between NSX-T 2.4. vs 2.5 vs. 3.0 Architecture
  • Understanding NSX-T RabbitMQ and NSX-RPC Messaging Channel
  • Understanding de-merits of RabbitMQ Messaging Channel
  • Understanding merits of NSX-RPC Messaging Channel over RMQ
  • Understanding Interaction Workflow between MP and ESXi Node
  • Understanding Interaction Workflow between MP and KVM Node
  • Understanding Interaction Workflow between MP and Edge Node
  • Implementation workflow of Deploying NSX-T Datacenter Environment
  • Considerations of Deploying NSX-T Manager and Accessibility Options
  • Understanding NSX-T Transport Node and Why do we need it
  • NSX-T Transport Node Components and Its Architecture
  • Physical Connectivity considerations of NSX-T Transport Node
  • Understanding TEP IP Address Pools and Its Functions
  • Understanding NSX-T Layer2 Forwarding Architecture and it's key components
  • Understanding N-VDS and VDS functioning on NSX-T Transport Node
  • What is N-VDS and How it's different from Traditional VDS
  • Key Differences between N-VDS and VDS switch in NSX-T Networking
  • Understanding VDS and How it's different from N-VDS
  • N-VDS Architecture on NSX-T KVM Transport Node
  • Understanding N-VDS and VDS Operational Modes
  • What is Transport Zone in NSX-T Networking and Why do we need it
  • Understanding NSX-T Overlay and VLAN Transport Zone
  • Key differences between NSX-T Overlay and VLAN Transport Zone
  • Understanding NSX-T Overlay Transport Zone and it's key use cases
  • Understanding NSX-T VLAN Transport Zone and It's key use cases
  • Understanding NSX-T Transport Zone key characteristics
  • Understanding Transport Zone creation in NSX-T Networking
  • Understanding N-VDS and VDS functioning on NSX-T Transport Node
  • Understanding Transport Zone related restrictions
  • Understanding NSX-T Overlay and VLAN Traffic Types and mapping to TZ
  • Describe Transport Node Profile and Its benefits
  • Describe Transport Node Profile Characteristics and Parameters
  • Describe NSX-T Uplink Profiles, PNICs and LAGs
  • Describe NSX-T Uplink Profile and it's functions
  • Describe NSX-T Transport Node Mapping to Physical Network
  • Describe Evolution of Uplinks from VSS to VDS to N-VDS
  • Describe NSX-T Teaming Policies and Its functions
  • Describe NSX-T Failover Order Policy and its functions
  • Describe NSX-T Load Balance Source Policy and its functions
  • Describe NSX-T Load Balance MAC policy and its functions
  • Describe Uplink Profile configuration for various NSX-T teaming policies
  • Describe NSX-T LLDP Profiles and Its functions
  • Describe NSX-T NETIOC Profile and Its Functions
  • Describe Prerequisites of NSX-T Transport Node Creation
  • Describe 2-step Workflow of Transport Node Preparation
  • Describe Phase-1 of Transport Node Creation and it's Functions
  • Describe Phase2 of Transport Node Creation and it's Functions
  • Understanding Creation Process of promoting ESXi Node as Transport Node
  • Validating ESXi CLI to list NSX related Kernel Modules and VIBs
  • Understanding NSX Configuration Steps of TN node after successful VIB Installation
  • Describe Switch Visualization and Monitoring Dashboard to validate NSX-T TN Creation
  • Describe NSX-T Transport Node Initialization Workflow
  • Describe various NSX-T Agent involved in N-VDS Creation
  • Validate NSX-T Installation on ESXi Host using ESXCLI
  • Validate NSX-T VIBs and Kernel Modules Installation on TN Node using ESXCLI
  • Validate N-VDS or VDS creation on TN node using ESXCLI
  • Describe Transport Node Preparation for KVM Host
  • Describe NSX-T Package Installation on KVM using CLI
  • Describe TEP creation on KVM host using CLI
  • Describe N-VDS Design Best Practices
  • Design Reference1 : ESXi TN with 4 pNICs - Load Balance Source Policy
  • Design Reference2 : ESXi TN with 4 pNICs - Failover Order Policy
  • Design Reference3 : ESXi TN with 4 pNICs - 2 LAGs
  • Design Reference4 : ESXi TN with 2 pNICs - Failover Order
  • Design Reference5 : KVM TN with 4 pNICs - Failover Order Policy
  • Teaming Policy Design: N-VDS with Active/Active and Active/Standby Policy
  • Challenge1 - Inadequate Table Sizes in ToR Switches
  • Challenge2 - Large Broadcast and Collision Domains
  • Other Challenges: Multitenant and VM Mobility Everywhere
  • Describe the Challenges with VLAN Backed Switching in vSphere Environment
  • Describe the vMotion Limitations with Traditional VLAN Backed Switching in vSphere
  • Describe NSX-T Logical Switching and How it Solves challenges of VLAN based Switching
  • Describe NSX-T Logical Switching in NSX-T Environment
  • Describe NSX-T Logical Switching Terminology
  • Describe NSX-T Logical Segments and Its Characteristics
  • Describe NSX-T Geneve Overlay Protocol and It's Functions
  • Describe Encap/Decap Process performed by TEPs in NSX-T Logical Switching
  • Describe End to End Packet Flow in NSX-T Logical Switching
  • Describe Geneve Protocol and It's key Characteristics
  • Describe Geneve Protocol Header Format and TLV implementation
  • Describe Geneve vs VXLAN and it's key differences
  • Describe Packet Walk in NSX-T Logical Switching
  • Describe Segment Creation Workflow in ESXi Transport Nodes
  • Describe VIF to LIF Attachment workflow in ESXi Transport Node
  • Describe Segment Creation Workflow in KVM Transport Node
  • Describe VIF to LIF Attachment workflow in KVM Transport Node
  • Creating 3-Tier Segments in ESXi Node using NSX Manager UI
  • Attaching ESXi VM to NSX-T Logical Segment using vCenter UI
  • Creating Segment Port Manually in NSX-T Logical Segment for KVM Nodes
  • Attaching Segment Port to KVM VM using NSX-T Manager UI
  • Enabling/Disabling Port Status of Segment Port and Validating it from NSX UI
  • Describe Controller Role in NSX-T Logical Switching
  • Why do we need Control Plane in NSX-T Logical Switching and What it does
  • Describe Controller VTEP Table and What it does
  • Describe Controller MAC Table and What it does
  • Describe Controller ARP Table and What it does
  • Describe How VTEP, MAC and ARP Table gets populated to enable switching
  • Describe ARP Suppression in NSX-T Logical Switching and it's Benefits
  • Describe How ARP Suppression is implemented in NSX-T Logical Switching
  • Describe End to End Packet Flow for Unicast Traffic in NSX-T Logical Switching
  • Describe BUM Traffic in NSX-T and its Use Cases
  • Describe Broadcast, Unknown Unicast and Multicast Traffic in NSX-T Switching
  • Describe Head Replication Technique in NSX-T Logical Switching and How it works
  • Describe Hierarchical 2-Tier Replication Technique and How it works
  • Describe Proxy TEP and it's functioning in BUM Traffic Handling
  • Describe Challenges with MAC and TEP Association in 2-Tier Replication Technique
  • Describe How Geneve Implementation solves MAC and TEP Association issues in 2-Tier Replication
  • Configuring Replication Modes in NSX-T Logical Switching using NSX UI
  • Explain NSX-T Segment Profiles and Its Use Cases
  • Explain NSX-T IP Discovery Segment Profile and It's Functioning
  • Explain NSX-T Mac Discovery Segment Profile and Its functioning
  • Explain NSX-T Spoofguard Segment Profiles and It's functioning
  • Explain NSX-T QoS Segment Profile and It's functioning
  • Explain NSX-T Segment Security Profile and It's functioning
  • Creating Custom Segment Profile and Assigning it to Segment
  • Explain CLIs to validate NSX-T kernel modules installed on ESXi Host
  • Explain NSX-T CLIs to validate Ping Connectivity between TN Nodes
  • Explain NSX-T CLI to validate the N-VDS or VDS creation on ESXi Node
  • Explain NSX-T CLI to validate controller TEP, MAC and ARP Tables
  • Explain NSX-T CLIs to validate logical switching configuration on ESXi Node
  • Evolution of Datacenter Router Placement
  • Challenges & Limitation of Traditional Routing Approach
  • Explain Hair Pinning Issue in Traditional Routing
  • Explain NSX-T Logical Routing and Its Use Cases
  • Explain Pre-Requisites for NSX-T Logical Routing
  • Explain Distributed Routing in NSX-T and Its Use Cases
  • Explain Centralized Routing in NSX-T and Its Use Cases
  • Distributed Routing vs Centralized Routing in NSX-T
  • Explain East-West and North-South Traffic in NSX-T
  • Explain NSX-T Single Tier Topology and How it works
  • Explain NSX-T Multi-Tier Topology and How it works
  • Explain NSX-T Tier-1 Gateway and Its Functions
  • Explain NSX-T Tier-0 Gateway and Its Functions
  • Tier-1 Gateway vs Tier-0 Gateway
  • Explain Tier-1 Gateway Router Capabilities
  • Explain Tier-0 Gateway Router Capabilities
  • Explain SR Component in NSX-T Routing and Its Use Cases
  • Explain DR Component in NSX-T Routing and Its Use Cases
  • Service Router vs Distributed Router in NSX-T Networking
  • Explain Interaction between SR and DR Gateway Components
  • Explain NSX-T Logical Router Interfaces and Its Terminology
  • Explain Logical Router Interfaces using IP Addressing
  • Explain NSX-T Routing Topologies and Deployment Models
  • Explain NSX-T Deployment Model : Tier0 Gateway with Services
  • Explain NSX-T Deployment Model : Tier0 with Services and Tier-1 Gateway without Services
  • Explain NSX-T Deployment Model : Both Tier-0 and Tier-1 with Services
  • Deploying Tier-1 Gateway and Validating E-W Routing
  • Deploying Tier-0 Gateway and Validating E-W Routing
  • Deploying Tier-1 Gateway and Connecting it to Tier-0 Gateway
  • Visualizing NSX-T Routing Topology using Network Topology feature
  • Explain NSX-T Edge Node and Why do we need it
  • NSX-T Edge Node Use Cases and Its Key Functions
  • Explain NSX-T Edge Node VM and Bare-Metal form factors
  • Explain NSX-T Edge Node - VM Form Factor Sizing Options
  • Explain NSX-T Edge Node - Bare-Metal Form Factor Sizing Options
  • Explain Pre-Requisites of deploying NSX-T Edge Node in NSX-T
  • Explain NSX-T Edge Node Post Deployment Verification Checklist
  • Why do we need Edge Node and Its Use Cases
  • Explain Key Functions of NSX-T Edge Node
  • Prerequisites of Deploying Edge Node as Transport Node
  • Explain various deployment options of NSX-T Edge Node
  • Edge Node VM vs Bare-Metal Edge Node
  • Explain Edge Node Architecture and Its Datapath Interfaces
  • Explain Edge Node Design Best Practices
  • Why do we need NSX Edge Node Clustering
  • Explain key functions of NSX-T Edge Node Clustering
  • Explain NSX-T Edge Node Clustering Functions
  • Explain Active/Active and Active/Standby Mode of Edge Clustering
  • Explain Design Best Practices of NSX-T Edge Node Clustering
  • Explain NSX-T Edge Node Deployment using NSX Manager UI
  • Explain Deployment parameters of NSX-T Edge Node Deployment
  • Explain Guided Workflow of NSX-T Edge Node Deployment
  • Configuring NSX-T Edge VM Datapath Interfaces during Deployment
  • Configuring Edge Clustering using NSX Manager UI
  • Explain Routing Basics
  • Explain Static Routing and How it works
  • Explain Dynamic Routing and How it works
  • Explain Autonomous System and its functions in Routing
  • Overview of Open Shortest Path First Protocol and Its Use Cases
  • Explain Border Gateway Protocol and Its Use Cases
  • Explain iBGP and eBGP Protocol in Routing
  • Explain the Uplink Segment Creation for North-South Traffic Flow
  • Explain Uplink Interface Creation on Tier-0 Gateway
  • Explain Static Routes Configuration on Tier-0 Gateway
  • Validate N-S Traffic connectivity using Static Routing in NSX-T
  • Explain BGP configuration in NSX-T for Dynamic Routing
  • Explain BGP neighbor configuration in NSX-T for N-S Traffic
  • Explain Route Redistribution for exchanging the routes
  • Validate the North-South Traffic connectivity in NSX-T using BGP
  • Explain Edge CLIs to retrieve BGP specific information
  • Explain N-S packet walk for Egress Traffic in NSX-T
  • Explain N-S packet walk for Inress Traffic in NSX-T
  • Explain N-S Packet Walk for Egress Traffic in NSX-T
  • Explain N-S Packet Walk for Ingress Traffic in NSXT
  • Explain BGP Support Topology in NSX-T
  • Explain iBGP feature support in NSX-T
  • Explain Multipath Relax feature support in NSX-T
  • Explain BGP Allow-AS in feature support in NSX-T
  • Explain Inter-SR Routing support in NSX-T
  • Explain ECMP Based Routing in NSX-T
  • Explain High Availability Mode in NSX-T
  • Explain NAT and Its use cases in Traditional Networking
  • Explain SNAT Functionality and Its Use Cases
  • Explain DNAT Functionality and Its Use Cases
  • Explain Difference between SNAT and DNAT
  • Explain Reflexive NAT and Its Use Cases
  • Explain NO SNAT and NO DNAT and Its Use Cases
  • Explain NAT Packet Flow in NSX-T Networking
  • Explain DHCP service and Its Use Cases
  • Explain DHCP Architecture in NSX-T
  • Explain Gateway DHCP server and Its Functioning
  • Explain Local DHCP Server and it's Functioning
  • Configuring DHCP Services in NSX-T
  • Explain DNS Forwarder service and Its Use Cases
  • Explain Benefits of DNS Forwarder Service in NSX-T
  • Explain DNS Service and DNS Zones
  • Configuring DNS Service and DNS Zones in NSX-T
  • Explain Load Balancer Service in NSX-T
  • Explain Benefits and Use Cases of NSX-T Load Balancer Service
  • Explain Layer4 and Layer7 Load Balancer in NSX-T
  • Explain NSX-T Load Balancer Architecture and Its Components
  • Explain Virtual Servers, Profiles, Server Pool and Monitors
  • Explain One ARM Mode Load Balancer and Its Functioning
  • Explain Inline Mode Load Balancer and Its Functioning
  • Explain One ARM Mode vs Inline Mode Load Balancer
  • Configuring Load Balancer Service in NSX-T
  • Explain VPN Services in NSX-T and Its Use Cases
  • Explain Layer3 VPN Service and Its Use Cases
  • Explain Layer2 VPN Service and Its Use Cases
  • Explain IPSec VPN Mode - Tunnel vs Transport Mode
  • Explain IPSec VPN Methods - AH vs ESP
  • Explain IPSec VPN Protocol and Its Algorithms
  • Explain Policy Based IPSec VPN and Its Functioning
  • Explain Route Based IPSec VPN and Its Functioning
  • Explain IPSec VPN deployment considerations
  • Explain Layer2 VPN Service and Its Use Cases
  • Explain Difference between Layer3 VPN vs Layer2 VPN
  • Explain L2 VPN Netwok Types
  • Configure Route Based IPSec VPN Service in NSX-T
  • Configuring Layer2 VPN Service in NSX-T
  • Explain Layer-2 Bridging in NSX-T and Its Use Cases
  • Explain Routing and Bridging for P2V connectivity
  • Explain L3 Routing vs L2 Bridging vs L2 VPN
  • Explain Logical Bridging Components
  • Explain L2 Bridge Creation and Configuration
  • Validating Layer2 Connectivity between Overlay and VLAN backed workloads
  • Explain Challenge No.1 : Network Isolation vs Application Context
  • Explain Challenge No.2 : In Guest Agents installed in VMs
  • Explain Challenge No.3 : Workload Mobility
  • Explain Challenge No.4 : Best of Breed Tools
  • Explain Challenge No.5 - Less Adaptability and Interoperability
  • Explain Challenge No.6 : Huge Capital and Operational Expenditures
  • Explain Traffic Hair Pinning Issues in Traditional Datacenter
  • Explain Pros and Cons of Physical Firewall based Security Solutions
  • Explain Pros and Cons of Virtual Firewall based Security Solutions
  • Explain Perimeter Security and Its Challenges
  • Explain Differences between Physical vs Virtual Firewall
  • Explain Goldilocks Zones in Datacenter Security
  • Explain Micro-Segmentation and Its Key Benefits
  • Explain Micro-Segmentation Key Attributes and Characteristics
  • Explain Evolution of Security Solution in Last Few Decades
  • Explain Zero Trust Security Model and Its Benefits
  • Explain NSX-T Micro-Segmentation Key Benefits and Use Cases
  • Explain NSX-T Datacenter Firewall Solutions for E-W and N-S Traffic
  • Explain NSX-T Distributed Firewall and Its Key Attributes
  • Explain Difference between Traditional FW vs NSX Distributed FW
  • Explain Efficiency of Distributed Firewall for same & different host
  • Explain NSX-T Distributed Firewall and Its Key Benefits
  • Explain DFW Rule Creation using VC Inventory Objects
  • Explain Distributed Firewall Key Concepts
  • Explain Security Policy in NSX-T Firewall and Its Use Cases
  • Explain Static and Dynamic Groups in NSX-T Firewall and Its Use Cases
  • Explain Distributed Firewall Rule Fields such as Src, Dst, Services, Action
  • Explain Applied To Field in NSX-T DFW and Its Use Cases
  • Explain Difference between Allow, Drop and Reject Action in DFW
  • Explain Logging, Traffic Direction, Log Label Parameters in DFW
  • Explain TCP Strict, Stateful and Locked Capability in NSX-T DFW
  • Explain Configuration of DFW Rule Creation in NSX-T
  • Explain Creation of Security Policy in NSX-T DFW
  • Explain Creation of DFW Rule in NSX-T
  • Explain configuring Src, Dst, Services, and Profiles parameters in NSX-T DFW Rule
  • Explain Creation of Static Groups and Adding Members to it
  • Explain Creation of Dynamic Groups and Adding Members to It
  • Explain DFW rule creation by using Grouping Objects in Src and Dst field
  • Explain Configuration of Applied To Field in NSX-T using Grouping Objects
  • Explain Creation of Custom Service and Port in DFW
  • Validating VM to VM network connectivity after DFW rule creation
  • Explain Draft, Exclusion List, Enabling and Disabling Firewall Rule in NSX-T
  • Explain Time Based Firewall and Its Use Cases
  • Validating DFW rule creation at ESXi Host using CLIs
  • Explaining summarize-dvfilter and vsipioctl command to fetch DFW rules
  • Explain NSX-T Distributed Firewall Architecture and Components Interaction
  • Explain NSX-T Distributed Firewall Components Interaction: on ESXi Host
  • Explain NSX-T Distributed Firewall Components Interaction: on KVM Host
  • Explain NSX-T Distributed Firewall Packet Walk
  • Explain Rule Table and Connection Tracker Table in NSX-T
  • Explain How Rule Table and Flow Table gets populated in NSX-T
  • Explain Configuration of Applied To Field in NSX-T using Grouping Objects
  • Explain Stateful and Stateless Firewall Implementation in NSX-T
  • Explain NSX-T Distributed Firewall Log Files for Troubleshooting
  • Explain NSX-T Distributed Firewall CLIs for Basic Troubleshooting
  • Explain NSX-T Gateway Firewall and Its Use Cases
  • Explain NSX-T Gateway Firewall on Tier-0 and Tier-1 Gateways
  • Explain NSX-T Gateway Firewall Components
  • Explain NSX-T Gateway Firewall Policy Sections and Its Use Cases
  • Explain NSX-T Gateway Firewall realization on TN node using CLIs
  • Validating NSX-T Gateway Firewall by Creating Rules on Tier-0 Gateway
  • Explain NSX-T Gateway Firewall Architecture and Its Components
  • Explain Configuration Flow of NSX-T Gateway Firewall Rules
  • Explain NSX-T Gateway Firewall Rule Processing in Edge Node
  • Explain Rule Table and Flow Table Functioning in NSX-T Gateway Firewall
  • Explain NSX-T Gateway Firewall Troubleshooting Logs
  • Explain NSX-T Layer7 Firewall and Its Use Cases
  • Explain NSX-T Layer7 Firewall Benefits
  • Explain configuration of Layer7 Firewall Rule Creation in NSX-T
  • Explain Layer7 FW Attributes and Sub Attributes in NSX-T
  • Configure Layer7 Firewall Rule using APP ID and Traffic Validation
  • Explain Validation of Layer7 Firewall Rule Realization on ESXi Node
  • Exploring DFW CLIs for validating Layer7 Firewall Rules & Action
  • Explain NSX-T Layer7 Firewall Architecture and Its Components
  • Explain NSX-T Layer7 Firewall Packet Flows
  • Explain FQDN Filtering based Layer7 Firewall and Its Use Cases
  • Explain Benefits of NSX-T FQDN Filtering based Layer7 Firewall
  • Explain NSX-T FQDN Filtering Architecture and Its Components
  • Explain Packet Flows of FQDN Filtering Based Layer7 Firewall
  • Configuring FQDN Filtering and Validating the Datapath Traffic
  • Explain Intrusion Detection System and Its Use Cases
  • Explain Intrusion Prevention System and Its Use Cases
  • Explain Differences between IDS vs IPS Solutions
  • Explain NSX-T Distributed IDS/IPS Exploit Detection Methods
  • Explain Differences between NSX-T Firewall vs NSX-T IDS/IPS based solutions
  • Explain Challenges of Traditional IDS/IPS systems and Its Drawbacks
  • Explain NSX-T Distributed IDS/IPS and Its Benefits
  • Explain Traditional IDS/IPS Solution vs NSX-T Distributed IDS/IPS
  • Explain Compliance benefits of NSX-T Distributed IDS/IPS solution
  • Explain Mobility benefits of NSX-T Distributed IDS/IPS Solution
  • Explain Eliminating Blind Spots Issues with NSX-T Distributed IDS/IPS
  • Explain the requirements of enabling Distributed IDS/IPS in NSX-T
  • Explain NSX-T Distributed IDS/IPS Components and Its Functioning
  • Explain NSX-T IDS/IPS Signatures, Profiles and Rules creation
  • Explain 4-steps configuration workflow of NSX-T IDS/IPS Solution
  • Configure NSX-T IDS/IPS Profiles and Rules and Simulating the Traffic
  • Explore NSX-T CLIs to retrieve IDS events and statistics
  • Explain NSX-T Distributed IDS/IPS Architecture and Its Components
  • Explain NSX-T Distributed IDS/IPS Dataplane Architecture and Its Components
  • Explain Packet Flows of NSX-T Distributed IDS/IPS Solution
  • Explain URL Analysis in Gateway Firewall and Its Use Cases
  • Explain requirements of configuring URL Analysis in NSX-T
  • Explain URL Categories, Classification and Reputation Score in URL Analysis
  • Explain Webroot and Cloud Service implementation
  • Configure URL Analysis on Tier-1 Gateway Firewall in NSX-T
  • Simulate Traffic for URL Analysis and its Validation
  • Monitoring URL Categories & Reputation Score using URL Analysis Dashboard
  • Explain URL Analysis Architecture and Its Components
  • Explain URL Analysis Datapath Module and Datapath Agent
  • Explain URL Analysis Datapath Module Packet Walk
  • Explain URL Analysis Datapath Agent Packet Walk
  • Explain NSX-T Identity Firewall and Its Use Cases
  • Explain Benefits of NSX-T Identity based Firewall
  • Explain the Log On Detection Method in NSX-T Identity Firewall
  • Explain AD Log Scraping Mechanism for Logon Detection in IDFW
  • Explain Guest Introspection Agent Method for Logon Detection in IDFW
  • Explain Log Scraping vs Guest Introspection
  • Enabling Identity Firewall at vSphere Cluster Level
  • Registering NSX-T Manager with Active Directory
  • Creating IDFW Rules and Validating it for App User and IT Admin User
  • Explain NSX-T IDFW Architecture and Its Configuration Workflow
  • Configuring NSX-T Time Based Firewall in DFW Rule Section
  • Explain the Time Based Firewall Rule realization on ESXi Node
  • Validate the Datapath Traffic when Time Based Firewall Rules are active
  • Explain DFW CLIs for validation of Time Based Firewall Rules
  • Explain NSX-T Service Insertion and Its Use Cases
  • Explain NSX-T Network Introspection Framework and Its Benefits
  • Explain Key Use Cases of NSX-T EW and NS Service Insertion
  • Explain NSX-T East-West Service Insertion and Its key functions
  • Explain NSX-T North-South Service Insertion and Its key functions
  • Explain E-W Service Insertion vs N-S Service Insertion
  • Explain NSX-T Service Consumption Workflow
  • Explain NSX-T North-South Service Insertion Architecture
  • Explain NSX-T North-South Service Insertion Components and Functions
  • Explain NSX-T North-South Service Registration and Deployment
  • Explain North-South Service Insertion Packet Flow in NSX-T
  • Explain NSX-T East-West Service Insertion Architecture
  • Explain NSX-T East-West Service Insertion Components and Functions
  • Explain NSX-T East-West Service Deployment Options
  • Explain NSX-T East-West Service Insertion Packet Flow
  • Explain NSX-T East-West Service Insertion Registration and Deployment
  • Explain Service Chaining in NSX-T East-West Service Insertion
  • Explain NSX-T Endpoint Protection Service and Its Use Cases
  • Explain NSX-T Endpoint Protection Service and its Use Cases
  • Explain How Endpoint Protection works in NSX-T
  • Explain Key Benefits of Endpoint Protection Service in NSX-T
  • Explain Guest Introspection Architecture and Its Components
  • Explain Guest Introspection Framework Architecture in NSX-T
  • Explain NSX-T Endpoint Protection Service Registration and Deployment Workflow
  • Explain NSX-T Endpoint Protection Service Consumption Workflow
  • Explain Traceflow Troubleshooting Tools and How It works
  • Explain various configuration parameters of Traceflow Tool
  • Explain Traceflow Operations and Packet Capture in NSX-T
  • Explain East-West Traffic Analysis using Traceflow Packet Capture Tool
  • Explain Traceflow Topology Diagram and Observation workflow for Packet Tracing
  • Explain Port Mirroring Troubleshooting Tools and Its Use Cases
  • Explain Remote L3 SPAN and Logical SPAN Mirroring Methods
  • Explain Difference between Remote L3 SPAN vs Logical SPAN Method
  • Explain Creation of Port Mirroring Profile and Configure Src and Dst
  • Explain Port Mirroring Packet Capture Analysis using Wireshark
  • Explain IPFIX Troubleshooting Tool and Its Use Cases
  • Explain How IPFIX Firewall & Switching Profiles and Its Use Cases
  • Explain IPFIX Profile and Collector Configuration in NSX-T
  • Explain IPFIX Flow Collection and Its Analysis using Wireshark
  • Explain Generating Support Bundle for NSX Management and Dataplane Nodes
  • Explain NSX-T Networking Overview Dashboard and Its Benefits
  • Explain NSX-T Security Overview Dashboard and Its Benefits
  • Explain NSX-T Inventory Overview Dashboard and Its Benefits
  • Explain NSX-T System Overview Dashboard and Its Benefits
  • Explain NSX-T Network Topology Feature and Its Benefits
  • Explain NSX-T Alarm and Event Framework and Its Use Cases
  • Explain NSX-T Alarm Framework Architecture and Its Components
  • Explain NSX-T Alarm Definitions and Dashboard
  • Explain Customizing NSX-T existing Alarm definitions
  • Explain various Alarm states such as open, resolved, suppressed and ack
  • Explain Role Based Access Control and How it works in NSX-T
  • Explain various pre-defined Roles and their permissions in NSX-T
  • Explain various permission model such Full Access, Read Only Access
  • Explain difference between NSX-T Auditor and Enterprise Admin Role
  • Explain difference between Network Engineer vs Network Operator Role
  • Explain difference between NSX-T Security Engineer vs Security Operator Role
  • Explain Active Directory Integration with NSX-T Manager
  • Explain Configuration of AD Users and NSX-T predefine Role Assignment
  • Validating NSX-T RBAC and Permission Model with AD users and groups
  • Explain NSX-T Federation and Its Use Cases
  • Explain Operational Simplicity and Consistent Policy in NSX-T Federation
  • Explain Simplified Disaster Recovery in NSX-T Federation
  • Explain Federation Components : Global Manager
  • Explain Federation Components : Local Manager
  • Explain Federation Components: GM and LM Cluster
  • Explain Multisite Federation View
  • Explain Differences between Global and Local Configuration
  • Explain Global Configuration Workflow
  • Explain Local Configuration Workflow
  • Explain Federation End To End Configuration Workflow
  • Explain Prerequisites of NSX-T Federation
  • Explain Stretched Networking and Its Components in NSX-T Federation
  • Explain NSX-T Federation T0/T1 Logical Topologies
  • Explain configuring Global Manager as Active Manager
  • Adding Site-A and Site-B Local Manager to Global Manager
  • Explain RTEP configuration on Site-A and Site-B Edge Cluster
  • Configuring Stretched Layer2 Overlay Segment
  • Configuring Stretched T0 Gateway to Enable N-S Traffic
  • Configuring Stretched T1 Gateway
  • Assign Stretched Segment to Stretched T1 Gateway
  • Validate Site-A to Site-B Workload VM connectivity
  • Simulating the Site level failure to explain NSX-T Stretched Networking
  • Explain NSX-T Single Location T0/T1 Deployments Overview
  • Explain NSX-T Multisite Location Deployments Overview
  • Explain NSX-T Federation Primary/Secondary and All Primary deployments
  • Explain RTEP and Its functions in NSX-T Federation Networking
  • Explain Stretched Networking Communication Workflow in NSX-T Federation
  • Explain Layer2 Packet Walk in NSX-T Federation
  • Explain Layer3 Packet Walk in NSX-T Federation
  • Explain NSX-T Federation Security Use Cases
  • Explain NSX-T Federation Security Components
  • Explain NSX-T Federation Global and Local Groups
  • Explain NSX-T Federation Security Configuration Workflow
  • Explain configuring security in NSX-T Federation
  • Configuring Groups using Dynamic Membership Criteria in NSX-T Federation
  • Configuring Groups and their SPAN in NSX-T Federation
  • Explain NSX-T Datacenter Licensing and Its various editions
  • Explain NSX-T Standard Licensing and Supported Features
  • Explain NSX-T Professional Licensing and Supported Features
  • Explain NSX-T Advanced Licensing and Supported Features
  • Explain NSX-T Enterprise Plus Licensing and Supported Features
Hands On Labs Covered
  • 5 labs

In this lab, you perform the following tasks:

  • Introduction to the NSX Network and Security Virtualization Platform
  • NSX Manager, Transport Nodes and Inventory Components
  • NSX Segments
  • NSX Routing
  • NSX Network Address Translation
  • NSX Distributed Firewalll (DFW) Basics
  • NSX Gateway Firewall

In this lab, you perform the following tasks:

  • NSX Dynamic Routing, Multicast and VRF
  • NSX Load Balancing
  • NSX Native Operations
  • Automation in NSX
  • NSX Federation

In this lab, you perform the following tasks:

  • Distributed Firewall
  • Distributed Intrusion Detection/Prevention (IDPS)
  • URL Analysis and FQDN Filtering
  • Advanced Threat Protection
  • NSX Intelligence-NTA
  • Role Based Access Control (RBAC)
  • Time Based Distributed Firewall Rules
  • NSX-T Identity Based Firewall (IDFW)
  • VMware Global Network Identities (GNI) Introduction

In this lab, you perform the following tasks:

  • Distributed Firewall and Security Grouping

In this lab, you perform the following tasks:

  • NSX Federation


Program Fee

Rs. 39999/- 44999/- INR

What Included :


  • 80+ Hours of Intensive Hands-On Learning
  • 11 Modules and 22 Lessons
  • 24 Hands On Labs
  • 1 Quizzes and 1 Assignments
  • 1 Free Mock Interviews
  • VMware job ready resume and portfolio building assistance
  • 1:1 career counselling with Industry experts and mentors
  • Get access to alumni support and growing community

I’m Interested In this program



19 Reviews
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Praveen M

I wanted to take a moment to provide feedback on the NSX-T training program and express my thoughts on your role as the trainer. Overall, I found the training program to be incredibly informative and well-structured. The content was comprehensive, and it provided a solid foundation for understanding and implementing NSX-T in real-world scenarios. Your expertise and presentation skills made the training experience even more valuable. Your deep knowledge of NSX-T and your ability to explain complex concepts in a clear and concise manner were highly commendable. I appreciated your willingness to answer questions and provide practical examples. One aspect that stood out was your approachability and willingness to support learners throughout the training.Your enthusiasm for the subject matter was contagious and motivated us to dive deeper into the topics covered. I also want to highlight the hands-on exercises and practical labs incorporated into the program. These activities allowed us to apply the theoretical knowledge in a simulated environment, enhancing our understanding and building our confidence in working with NSX-T. The exercises were well-designed and appropriately challenging, providing valuable hands-on experience. In conclusion, I would like to express my gratitude for your exceptional training skills and the well-structured NSX-T training program. It was a highly engaging and enriching experience that has equipped me with the knowledge and confidence to implement NSX-T in practical scenarios. Thank you for your dedication and commitment to delivering an outstanding training program. Regards Praveen Muthyala

gajendra kumar

“Incredible teaching quality, In-depth knowledge of NSX-T technology, Hands-on Practical Lab and Ultimate Troubleshooting exercises” Unlike other institutes, this training was more concept oriented rather than configuration oriented. Our trainer complete focus was on understanding background process happening at trafic flow level, analyzing packet level details, design level discussions of NSX-T implementation It was full packed technical training with lots lots of concepts of NSX-T technology. It was really good time to be part of this training program and really enjoy all the technical discussions, hands-on labs and troubleshooting practices. I would really recommend this training for Beginners as well as experienced IT professionals looking for career opportunities in NSX-T technology Thank you so much govmlab for this NSX-T Program????

Swapnil Pardeshi

I attended NSX zero to hero training program from GOVMLAB and would like to say the content that was provided is the best in the market. You will not get such kind of training even on official vmware NSX-T classroom session. GOVMLAB Mentor has a vast knowledge and hands on experience on the said topic and knows the flow of the process. I would like to thank GoVMLAB Mentor for giving me an opportunity to attend this program and recommend all folks who wish to master NSX should join GoVMLab NSX-T batch. Thanks and Regards.

vk purimitla

Hi GoVMlabs , I am the part of NSX- T deep drive program, today I want to share feedback of this program, as usual GoVMlabs rockz, what a training and trainer, I don’t have words to express. Never seen a dedicated mentor like this and his teaching towards topics trust me no where you will get this kind of NSX T course. I will be part of GOVMlabs from now I mean each and every training I will be first learner. # proudly saying I am the learner of GOVMlabs. Thanks for the support hoping more lectures from you.

vk purimitla

Hi GoVMlabs , I am the part of NSX- T deep drive program, today I want to share feedback of this program, as usual GoVMlabs rockz, what a training and trainer, I don’t have words to express. Never seen a dedicated mentor like this and his teaching towards topics trust me no where you will get this kind of NSX T course. I will be part of GOVMlabs from now I mean each and every training I will be first learner. # proudly saying I am the learner of GOVMlabs. Thanks for the support hoping more lectures from you.

Purushottam Reddy

I have attended NSX-T Zero to Hero Networking Expert Program (Version 3.0) from GoVMLab, the same trainer, I attended VSphere Zero to Hero Program, and as I already know, the program is very intuitive. He has put a lot of his mental abilities on this program. Every topic was explained such deep as to what happens at the kernel level (background process) so that it helps with basic as well as critical troubleshooting issues. There is no other program or course in the market that went this long covering all the topics elaboratively. The contribution from mentor is 100% in explaining all the doubts. The program gives a good foundation for troubleshooting and designing good network infrastructure. Mentor has deep knowledge on NSX-T and has ability to explain every topic and clear every doubt in different ways using various scenarios. I have tried other means of training which I was not satisfied with. I am very happy that my efforts at learning NSX-T 3.0 has been successful. I am very hopeful that I have a good understanding now on the NSX-T dashboard in analysing things. I want to thank GoVMLab and especially the mentor for making the program understandable. Thank you.

ajay reddy

First of all, I would like to thank GoVMLab for this excellent course. I am beginner to NSX-T deep dive program. I attended vSphere Zero to Hero Program, A very informative and detail VMware vSphere Master Deep-Dive Training Program. After VMware Deep dive program I have attended NSX-T Zero to Hero Networking Expert Program from GoVMLab, the same trainer. Both the course introduces all the concepts that are required for day-to-day operation, Troubleshooting and Exam point of view. First and foremost, the trainer's deep understanding of the subject matter was truly impressive. Moreover, the trainer's teaching style was exceptionally engaging. The training is designed to provide true deep dive knowledge and the instructor's approach to explain things from the basics keeping the NSX-T data-center design and architectural concepts and the best practices in mind is something that is truly missing in today's professional courses training in most institutes. Another commendable aspect of the mentor's approach was towards focus on hands-on learning. Finally attending this technical training with such an exceptional trainer was an invaluable experience. His expertise, engaging teaching style, focus on hands-on learning, commitment to staying current updates were exemplary. If you have the opportunity to learn from this trainer, do not hesitate to seize it. I wholeheartedly recommend all the courses from GOVMLAB to anyone seeking to enhance their technical skills.

Saikrishna Macharla

I have the pleasure of taking up the VMware NSX Course from GOVMLAB. This course has covered many topics in detail. The lectures are well-structured and easy to understand. GOVMLAB MENTOR is knowledgeable and always available to answer any questions. I have a great experience with the course and it is provided me with an in-depth understanding of the concepts of Network virtualization. I can tell this is the best course available in the market. Overall, it is a great learning experience and I would highly recommend this course to anyone interested in VMware NSX.

praveen p

Hello there, I was in search for a good VMware training since a while.Fortunately I found Govmlab videos in YouTube for Vsphere,NSX-V etc and I was thoroughly happy with detailed overview for each components. I then contacted Govmlab for enrollment .Firstly I took zero yo hero Vsphere deep dive program.I am being a working prof since 13 yrs ,I can confidently say that the training provide by Govmlab will definitely make you an expert. Recently I was part of the NSX T training as well,which was definitely a right choice because the trust I had with training faculty ,the dedication level and the method of training he provides absolutely makes you feel that you are in the right place for what you have chosen. I would recommend Govmlab for anyone who want to be an expert in the field of vmware.Please go through their YouTube channel which shows you the knowledge level of the trainer and the training methodology.I am sure after listening to those lecture you will join the Govmlab family to upskill your career.

Amit Gugnani

I have recently completed NSX-T training "NSX-T Zero to Hero Expert Program" recently and earlier I did NSX-V also from GOVMLAB Mentor and I want to take this opportunity and share my feedback for the same. AIMS and Objective was well defined and clear to us before starting the training. Effort, which was put in for study material, slides, balance of theory/practical along with knowledge of mentor was excellent which increased my overall interest, knowledge and perspective in Network virtualization (NSX-T). Sufficient amount of time was spent on each topic so that it should clear to everyone within the batch even to those who have less knowledge on networking part. Even VMware itself not conducting training in that depth how GOVMLAB use to deliver because some of my teammate completed their training from VMware and I completed from GOVMLAB and level for knowledge along with confident which I have is far better. In the end I would like to thank GOVMLAB and recommend all my friend and teammates to consider GOVMLAB for all available trainings.

Hafizz IT

I have met very few trainers in my 15 years of Internetworking career who are actual genuine mentors. GOVMLAB trainer are one of those. GOVMLAB trainings just not focus on installation/configuration/troubleshooting but more on architecture and concepts. Which will help from implementation to designing the network. Recently I attended NSX-T training "NSX-T Zero to Hero Expert Program" and earlier I had taken “VMware vSphere Zero to Hero Datacenter Expert Program” both the training were very informational and in depth. Trainer teaching methodology, energy level is just next level. Trainer ensures logics and concepts are clear and no doubt are left. Trust me, efforts GOVMLAB put while training is praiseworthy. I would highly recommend GOVMLAB for vSphere and NSX-T.

Hafizz IT

I have met very few trainers in my 15 years of Internetworking career who are actual genuine mentors. GOVMLAB trainer are one of those. GOVMLAB trainings just not focus on installation/configuration/troubleshooting but more on architecture and concepts. Which will help from implementation to designing the network. Recently I attended NSX-T training "NSX-T Zero to Hero Expert Program" and earlier I had taken “VMware vSphere Zero to Hero Datacenter Expert Program” both the training were very informational and in depth. Trainer teaching methodology, energy level is just next level. Trainer ensures logics and concepts are clear and no doubt are left. Trust me, efforts GOVMLAB put while training is praiseworthy. I would highly recommend GOVMLAB for vSphere and NSX-T.

Waheed Ismail

Was a nice training. deep dive, well illustration for technology and use cases. It is really valuable and different.

bhupal reddy

I attended NSX-T Datacenter Zero to Hero program from govmlab and wanted to take a moment to express gratitude for the exceptional mentorship throughout the NSX deep dive program. The expertise and commitment to deliver comprehensive knowledge on NSX is truly remarkable. Your ability to break down complex concepts into understandable pieces and the willingness to go the extra mile in making sure everyone grasped the content was the key factor. Your clear explanations, real-time examples, and hands-on exercises helped me understand NSX fundamentals in a detailed manner. Also, your patience and approachability created a supportive learning environment where I felt comfortable asking questions and seeking clarification whenever needed. Your dedication to our growth and understanding did not go unnoticed, and it made the entire learning experience both enriching and enjoyable. I am truly grateful for the time and effort you invested in mentoring us. Thank you once again for being an outstanding mentor, and I look forward to applying the knowledge gained under your guidance.

Mallik 'Arjun'

I would like to thank GOVMLAB for the incredible NSX-T T Zero to Hero Expert Program. I was searching for good VMware training on NSX-T and had completed the Udemy and 5-day VMware training, but still felt incomplete in my understanding of NSX. However, I came across GOVMLAB on YouTube and joined their NSX-T Zero to Hero Expert Program. I am pleased to say that I have recently completed the training and now have a high level of confidence in my understanding of NSX-T. This program, course is unique in the market as it covers all the topics in detail. The mentor's contribution is invaluable in explaining all the doubts. The program provides a strong foundation for troubleshooting and designing a good network infrastructure. The mentor has a deep understanding of NSX-T and can explain each topic clearly and address any doubts using various scenarios, these activities allowed us to apply theoretical knowledge in a simulated environment, enhancing our understanding and building confidence in working with NSX-T" Thank you for your dedication and commitment to delivering an excellent training program.

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I have attended VMware NSX-T Deep Live Program from GOVMLAB. This course has covered deep knowledge on topics and trust me if you attend training direclty with VMware as well they wont give this much knowledge to us . I have attended few trainings, but I never saw this kind of deep live explanation provided by GOVMLAB and well explained on Q&A sessions. I have a great experience with the course and it is provided to me more confident on training. I can tell this is the best course available in the market but I can say its little high prize, Overall, it is a great learning experience and I would highly recommend this course to anyone interested in VMware NSX and they are doing VMware vSphere 8 training as well. I have referred my colleagues to join VMware vSphere 8 deep live program as well.

Bharath Kumar

I have attended VMware NSX-T Deep Live Program from GOVMLAB. This course has covered deep knowledge on topics and trust me if you attend training direclty with VMware as well they wont give this much knowledge to us . I have attended few trainings, but I never saw this kind of deep live explanation provided by GOVMLAB and well explained on Q&A sessions. I have a great experience with the course and it is provided to me more confident on training. I can tell this is the best course available in the market but I can say its little high prize, Overall, it is a great learning experience and I would highly recommend this course to anyone interested in VMware NSX and they are doing VMware vSphere 8 training as well. I have referred my colleagues to join VMware vSphere 8 deep live program as well.


I know the Govmlab sir since 2016. I was a member of vSphere expert session 2016. I was totally blank in the vSphere environment during that time. The way the trainer taught us was a different level of explanations. Which you will never get in any other training centre. Today, The Position, I am handling is due to the Govmlab trainer. When, I got to know that Govmlab sir launching NSX-T deep dive program session-2 then I without hesitation did the registration. This NSX-T deep dive program had a very deep explanations and different levels. In a detailed manner on each topic until unless we understood. A person with zero knowledge of NSX-T can become a hero in NSX-T by taking training from Govmlab Sir. Each doubts are well explained and multiple times. We have a recorded session which helped us to watch again and again to understand the concepts. Also, labs are available to do the practicals. I was not having deep knowledge and was doing day to day limited operations and now, after attending NSX-T sessions from Govmlab Sir, I understood overall components and I got confidence to manage the overall end to end NSX-T environment without hesitation. This NSX-T program helped us a lot to upgrade our skill and to crack interviews. I would suggest my friends and colleagues to join the Govmlab training centre who are willing to learn NSX-T, vSphere programs. Thank you so much Govmlab Sir.

george anthony

I never went through such a complete learning experience for NSX-T. Coming completely from a physical networking background GOVM NSX-T course content is extremely easy to understand. The special effort put in by the team for the LAB makes it a hands on skill to acquire. Basically prepared me for a production environment. This course is extremely apt for a beginner who wants to acquire a new skill in NSX-T. The trainer's in depth knowledge also helps in discussing core concepts in detail. Thank you for this amazing experience of not just acquiring a new skill but making the whole process interesting and enjoyable.